No Plane No Gain Campaign Advocates for Business Aviation

In addition to his role as president of the corporate workout firm Gladstone Consulting, Aubrey Gladstone is a commercial pilot who has been flying with National Jet Corp. for more than 30 years. Over the course of his aviation career, Aubrey Gladstone had established ties with several industry organizations, including the National Business Aircraft Association (NBAA).

As part of its efforts to support the business aviation community, the NBAA has partnered with the General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA) to create and operate the No Plane No Gain advocacy campaign. The overarching goal of No Plane No Gain is to educate the general public about the value of business aviation in the United States. Responsible for over a million American jobs and for making business transactions more efficient, the business aviation industry also provides essential transportation opportunities to isolated communities and critical emergency services in times of crisis.

Along with its official website, No Plane No Gain uses social media and video sites like YouTube to expand its digital presence. Its latest initiatives include the hashtag campaign #BizAvWorks, which promotes business aviation on Twitter and Facebook.
